Technical translations are translations of technical documents (owner's manuals, user guides, etc) or, specifically, texts that contain a high quantity of terminology, such as words and phrases that are virtually only used within a specific profession, or that describe that profession in great detail.

Technical translations cover translation of many types of specialised texts that require a high level of skill and knowledge on the part of the person dealing with the terminology.

Technical translations are only carried out by professionals with expert knowledge in the technical field as well as in translations. At Dirdam Language Solutions we specialise in the translation of technical documents from the Energy sector, Public and/or Civil Works (eg, railways), etc.  Our translators have the qualifications, certifications and accreditations required for this type of translation, a fact that guarantees that your technical documents are translated by the best resources on the market.

Our rigorous selection process, together with exhaustive monitoring of the translation project by our project managers, enables us to offer you clear and effective documents. Our main aim is to offer translations of the very highest quality to the client.

Language Services

Translation / Editing
Conference Interpreting
Desktop Publishing
Transcription / Subtitling
Multilingual Formatting Services
Dubbing / Voiceover

Where are we
Calle Basilea 12
28224 Pozuelo de Alarcón
Madrid, Spain


+34 697 682 534
+34 697 484 667

ISO 9001 veritas es

Dirdam Language Solutions S.L. - Translation and Interpreting Agency